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Egg-to-Peg-to-Plate | Part 3: That's How We Roll!

The sight of 126,000 eggs in an incubator is something to behold. Even more startling is the sight of 126,000 eggs being autonomously 'rolled' 90 degrees on the hour, every hour.

This act of rolling the egg is one of the most natural and essential steps in ensuring the even development of the embryo, akin to a hen rolling her eggs in a nest.

Each trolley is electronically connected and monitored 24/7 by both computer and man to ensure every egg has the optimum environment to develop into a market-leading British Game Alliance assured chick.

Combining traditional, proven methods and cutting-edge technology in our state-of-the-art hatchery is no mean feat.
Traceability throughout the entire process from egg-to-peg-to-plate is key in ensuring every egg is accounted for.

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